General Terms and Conditions &
Privacy Policy - Moving Partners

The term 'us' or 'we' refers to the owner of The Movers Logistics and Technology Services Pty Ltd (trading as The Movers ®), a private limited company, founded and registered in the Republic of South Africa.
The term 'Mover/Customer or you' refers to an individual or a business that uses The Movers Services to request moving services to get their various items moved and delivered.
The term 'Moving Partner' refers to any individual or a business who has partnered with us to provide moving services to Movers who request for a move using The Movers Services.
The term 'Driver' refers to any individual or a business who has partnered with us to provide moving services to Movers who request for a move using The Movers Service specifically using a motor vehicle or a drone.
The term 'The Movers Services' refers to The Movers mobile application, The Movers Platform and other services we offer using various channels provided by The Movers Logistics and Technology Services Pty Ltd trading as The Movers.
The term 'The Movers Mobile Application' refers to a service rendered through a mobile technology and platform to help and facilitate moves amongst Movers, Moving Partners and other authorised third parties.
The term 'The Movers Platform' refers to the platform provided to connect Customers to various Moving Partners to help them move and deliver their various items.
The term 'Charge' refers to a fee the Customer is obligated to pay The Movers providing Moving Services.
The term 'Service Provider Fee' refers to the fee we have derived for providing the Moving Services and to maintain them as well.
The term 'Scheduled Move' refers to a move that has been scheduled by the Customers using The Movers Platform.
The term 'Agreement' refers to a contractual agreement between You and The Movers Logistics and Technology Services Pty Ltd.
The term 'Loader, Unloader and Supporter' refers to an individual who is a moving partner who specifically helps with loading and unloading and also packing services where applicable.
The Movers App is a mobile technology platform used to connect Movers and Moving Partners to exchange Moving Services. The Moving Partners provide the Moving Services on an independent basis, we provide a technology platform to connect Customers and the Moving Partners.
Disputes arising from consumer rights, legal obligations, or from the law applicable to the provision of Moving Services will be resolved between the Mover and Moving Partner.
Data regarding the Moving Partners and their moving service is available in The Movers' servers and receipts for journeys are available through The Movers app. You will receive communication via email and/or sms in the near future.
The Moving Partner (you) agrees with the Mover for the provision of the Moving Services booked on The Movers App.
During user sign-up of The Movers Moving Partner app, your mobile number, and email address is linked to the respective user’s account and added to our server. If you are no longer using your contact details you can update it by contacting us.
You are logged in or signed up and your details are stored for processing by us when you access the platform.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your account is safe when logged into The Movers Platform.
1. Entry into Agreement
Your access and use of The Movers Services and The Movers App constitute your Agreement to be bound by these General Terms and Conditions, not accepting these terms will lead to no access to The Movers Services, The Movers App, and The Movers Platform. These General Terms and Conditions replace any prior arrangements made with you.
In the case where conflicts arise the supplemental terms will prevail over the General Terms and Conditions.
Supplemental terms may be introduced for a particular activity, promotion, or event, they are an addition to the existing General Terms and Conditions and Agreement and will be disclosed to you.
The Movers Logistics and Technology Services Pty Ltd may amend these General Terms and Conditions from time to time and the amendments will be effective upon release, your continued use of The Movers Services after the release constitutes as an Agreement.
Before using The Movers Services and The Movers Moving Partner's Account, you must sign up by providing the required details and documents.
You will be provided with a link to access and sign these Terms and Conditions, upon successful completion of the sign-up process, this warrants a contractual agreement between you and The Movers you agree that you have carefully read and fully understood, and agree to be bound by these General Terms and Conditions and Agreement including all obligation that arises as provided herein and from the Agreement.
You agree that all that information provided is accurate and true and failure to comply with these General Terms and Conditions can lead to termination of the Agreement at any time for any reason.
You are obligated to give your banking details in course of filling the payment details upon registration which will be used to transfer the money to you, and we will not be held liable in the case where the Moving Partner has provided incorrect banking details.
Upon a successful sign-up process, The Movers Moving Partner will receive an email with additional General Terms and Conditions, if applicable.
2. Rights to use The Movers Services
The Movers grants you a license to use the app and it does not grant you the rights to sublicense or transfer data to the third party.
While Using The Movers Moving Partner's Account, You May Not
• You may not transmit files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other programs that may compromise the operations of The Movers.
• You may not try to gain unauthorized access to The Movers Partner's App once your account has been terminated.
• The license granted herein revokes automatically and simultaneously with the termination of the agreement. After the termination of the agreement, you must immediately stop using The Movers Partner App. We are entitled to block and delete your Account without prior notice.
• You may not try to gain unauthorised access to The Movers Partner App once your account has been terminated.
• All copyrights and trademarks, including source code, databases, logos, and visual designs are owned by The Movers Logistics and Technology Services Pty Ltd and protected by copyright and trademark, By using The Movers Platform, The Movers Partner App, you do not acquire any rights of ownership to any intellectual property, this prohibits you from modifying, updating or editing, deleting the source code.
3. Providing Moving Services
You hereby agree to provide Moving Services in agreement with the General Terms and Conditions as well as the Republic of South Africa laws and regulations. If you operate outside of Republic of South Africa, you hereby agree to provide Moving Services in agreement with the laws and regulations of your country.
You must have the following documents when joining The Movers Platform:
• Professional Picture of You.
• Valid ID (Green book or smart ID. If it's a smart ID, please upload the front and back of your document).
• Valid Passport (and valid permit).
• Valid Proof of Residential Address (Less than six months old).
• Valid Driver's License (Please upload the front and back of your document).
• Valid License Disk.
• Quality Pictures of Your Vehicle (at least 6).
• If you are registering a drone, a quality picture of your drone.
• If you are registering a drone, a valid drone license.
• Proof of Insurance (if you have).
• Proof of GIT (Good in-transit) Insurance (if you have).
You are responsible to maintain the validity of all required documents, and we reserve the right to require you to present all necessary documents for evidence.
You must provide the Moving Services in a polite and professional manner, you may not take unauthorised stops on the road, may not have other Mover(s), Moving Partner(s) and unauthorised Supporter(s) during the Moving Service, you must adhere to the South African traffic rules and regulations.
You reserve the right to determine when you are open to provide the Moving Services, you shall accept, decline, or ignore Moving Services requests made by the Mover at your discretion.
If a move has already been accepted on our platform, you have 24 hours to notify us if anything changes from the time of being aware of the change and the time of the move. Failure to do so, may result in suspension or termination of a Moving Partner's account with us.
A 'no show' refers to when a Moving Partner doesn't show up to a move with insufficient communication. A 'no show' may result in suspension or termination of your account with us.
Once a Moving Parter's account is suspended, they may not access The Movers Platform until they are notified by verified The Movers representative(s).
You are obligated to maintain and provide all the necessary equipment required to perform the Moving Services, which include a vehicle or drone, a GPS-Supporting Mobile Device, Mobile Data, Airtime, Fuel, Insurance, On-Duty Fees, and all the cost that you incur while providing the Moving Services are at your expense.
Payments will be done on The Movers App before and after the Moving Service(s) is complete, in the case where a Mover did not end a completed move, The Movers App will continue to charge the Mover/Customer.
You hereby acknowledge that you are obliged to fully comply with all tax obligations that arise to you from the applicable laws about providing the Moving Services which includes paying tax, we may make the information regarding the activities of you available to the Tax authority to the extent outlined in valid legal acts.
You hereby agree to fully compensate all the fees that The Movers Logistics and Technology Services Pty Ltd incur in connection with the obligations arising from applicable tax regulations not having been met by you.
4. The Movers Fees and Payments
We automate a payment process to allow two different banking accounts, the main point is when the user pays the amount of the Moving Service to the Movers Bank Account and the fee charged by the Moving Partner will go to the Moving Partner ‘s Bank Account, for each Supporter the Mover is obligated to pay a service fee and for every floor in a building the Mover will be charged a fee.
Our Mover(s) will pay for the Moving Services using their authorised bank account, you hereby authorise us as your commercial agent to receive the fees from the Mover and forward the relevant funds to you.
You may not advise the Mover against using the payment methods provided by us failure to do so will result in penalties the amount of R1500 for every refusal to the method of payment.
Our Mover(s) have an option to tip the Moving Partner at the end of a Moving Service and the payment transaction can be done in person.
Our Mover(s) have an option to tip the Moving Partner at the end of a Moving Service and the payment transaction can be done in person.
You must confirm that you are offering Moving Services to the right Mover before you start, if you make a mistake of identifying the wrong Mover, we will reimburse the right Mover the fee collected and we will charge you at our discretion for the Moving Service.
If we were not able to pay you your share due to you supplying the wrong bank account details or not supplying the account details at all, we will first notify you of such an issue and hold the payment for 6 Months, failure to notify us within 6 months starting from the date you were supposed to receive the share, will result in a transfer of the payment to us.
5. Customer Support
We provide customer support to the Moving Partners regarding the use of The Movers Services, The Movers Services, and The Movers App and The Movers Platform, we reserve the right to discontinue it in case you are in delay with any of the payment for more than 5 days.
6. Rating and Activity
To provide the best services to our Mover(s), you hereby acknowledge that they may provide you a rating and leave a comment regarding the quality of the overall Moving Service that you have provided, your average rating will be linked to your Moving Partner’s profile and will be made available to Mover(s) on The Movers App.
We require the Moving Partner to maintain a specific rating to keep providing the Moving Services and failure to do so may lead to a suspension of The Movers Moving Partner’s profile either temporarily or permanently.
7. The Relationship Between you, us and the Mover(s)
You hereby acknowledge and agree that we are not offering Moving Service physically, we are the link between the Moving Partners and the Mover who pay for the Moving Services.
You acknowledge that there is no employment agreement nor employment relationship has been or will be established between you and us, you also agree that no joint venture or partnership exists between you and us.
You may not transfer your rights and obligations deriving from the General Terms and Agreement to any third party.
8. Liability
We do not guarantee that your usage of The Movers Platform and The Movers Moving Partners profile will result in a Moving Service request(s), the behavior of the Mover(s) determine the usage of The Movers App for requesting Moving Service.
You hereby agree that we, nor The Movers representatives, Directors, and employees are not liable for any damage or loss that you may incur as a result of using The Movers Services, which includes and not limited to: loss of profit, any form of property damage or loss, monetary loss, reputation, or contacts and contracts.
We are not liable for how Mover(s) choose to conduct themselves and shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may incur to you or your vehicle as a result of actions or non-action of the Mover.
You shall reimburse us for any direct/indirect loss or damage, loss of profit, expenses, penalties we may incur due to your breach of the General Terms and Conditions, Agreement, or any law and regulations.
If a Mover presents any claims against us in connection with your provision of Moving Services, then you shall compensate such damage to us in full within 5 days as of your receipt of the respective request from us, we are obligated to present any claim(s) against you, then you shall compensate us any legal cost related to the evolution of the damages and submission of claims relating to compensation for such damage.
Before entering into any Agreement with us, you shall be presented with the General Terms and Conditions and before submitting the sign-up application, an Agreement and other General Terms and Conditions shall enter into force once specific documents or email has been made available to you and you shall start or continue to provide Moving Services on The Movers Platform.
You may terminate the Agreement at any time notifying us at least 14 days in advance, this automatically terminates your rights to use The Movers Mobile Application and The Movers Platform and any other Moving Services.
We may terminate the Agreement with us at any time and for any reason at the sole discretion of us by notifying you at least 7 days in advance.
The Movers Logistics and Technology Services Pty Ltd is entitled to immediately terminate your Agreement with us and block your access to The Movers Platform and The Movers Moving Partner’s profile without any advance notice in case you breach the General Terms and Conditions or Agreement or cause harm to The Movers Logistics and Technology Services Pty Ltd reputation or brand, this may also prohibit you from registering a new Moving Partner profile.
We may also immediately block your access to The Movers Platform and The Movers Moving Partner profile for the period of the investigation if we suspect any infringement of the Agreement or fraudulent activity from your behalf. The block of access will be removed once cleared from the investigation.
9. Amendments
Any changes to the Agreement, General Terms and Conditions shall enter into force after they have been made available to you via email, and continuation of the use of The Movers Services and The Movers Platform will be considered as an Agreement to the amendments.
10. Applicable Law
The General Terms and Conditions, and Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced by the laws of the Republic of South Africa or the country you operate in. If the respective dispute resulting from General Terms or Agreement could not be settled by negotiations, then the dispute shall be solved in any court of law in the Republic of South Africa or any court legally applicable.
11. Notices
You are obligated to immediately notify us of any changes to your contact information, bank account details and any identity and legal documentation.
Any notice required to be given under the General Terms and Conditions and Agreement shall be given when sent via email and shall be deemed to be received when acknowledge the receipt of the said email, in cases any technical issues that may arise, the email will not be deemed to be received.
Email address (
Privacy Policy
1. Privacy Policy for Moving Partners
The Movers Logistics and Technology Services Pty Ltd (K2020751617) trading as The Movers is located at 44 Stiglingh Road, Edenburg, Sandton, South Africa, and is the controller of personal data of all users of our services through all channels.
2. The Personal Data We Process
Name, e-mail, phone number, place of residence, payment details geolocation of drivers driving routes, vehicle insurance document(s), ID copy (or passport with work permit), driver's license copy, motor vehicle license disk and picture of the vehicle used for moving services. Information about vehicles (including registration number and other legal documentation including for Drones).
The financial data of providing Moving Services are not considered as personal data, because Moving Partners provide services in the course of economic and professional activities.
Insomuch as the local laws might contradict the privacy policies of Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and other products and features offered by Facebook (collectively “Facebook”), then the Facebook policies shall prevail.
3. Purpose of Processing Data
We collect and process personal data for the purpose of connecting Customers who would like to move with Moving Partners with the capability to help them move around cities and countries more efficiently.
Geolocation and driving routes are processed to analyse the geographical area and give suggestions to the Moving Partners. If you do not want to disclose your geolocation for The Movers App, you must update your status to offline.
The protection of your personal information or data that we collect, process and apply during your use or visit to any of our various platforms and The Movers App is important to us. Your data is protected in accordance with the provision of locals data protection and privacy policy law.
Geolocation and driving routes are processed to analyse the geographical area and give suggestions to the Moving Partners. If you do not want to disclose your geolocation for The Movers App, you must update your status to offline which means that you are currently not open to receiving Moving Services requests.
Driver's license, profession, identity documents, and criminal convictions and offences are processed to determine the compliance with the legal requirements and the suitability of pursuing a profession as a Moving Partner and legitimacy as a Business.
The Movers App displays the Moving Partner's photo, their name and details of the vehicle for the Moving Service including photos of the vehicle when applicable.
You will receive summaries from The Movers Moving Partner Dashboard on The Movers Moving Partner App, which will include your efficiency and ratings as a Moving Partner. Summary and ratings about the Moving Partners are necessary to provide reliable services for Moving Services at our discretion.
4. Legal Basis
Personal data is processed for the performance of the contract concluded with the Moving partner. The prerequisite for the use of The Movers services is the processing of driver's identification and geolocation data.
Personal data may be processed on the ground of legitimate interest in investigating and detecting fraudulent payments. Data regarding criminal convictions and offences is processed for compliance with a legal obligation.
5. Recipients
Your personal data is only disclosed to the Customers, whose order has been accepted by you. Customers will see the Moving Partners name, vehicle/drone, phone number, photo, and geolocation data. Customers also see the Moving Partners' personal data in the receipt.
Depending on the location of the Moving Partner, the personal data may be disclosed to Customers local subsidiaries, representatives, affiliates, agents, etc.). Processing of personal data will occur under the same conditions as established in this privacy notice.
6. Security and Access
Any personal data collected in the course of providing Moving Services is transferred to and stored in the data centres of Google LLC (formerly known as Google Inc.), which are located in the United States of America. Only authorised employees and service providers of The Movers Logistics and Technology Services Pty Ltd will have access to the personal data and they may access the data for the purpose of resolving issues associated with the use of the services (including disputes regarding moving services).
The Movers Group companies and Partners can access personal data to the extent necessary to provide customer support in the respective country.
Once a potential Moving Partner is officially granted the status of a Moving Partner by The Movers Logistics and Technology Services Pty Ltd, they can only access The Movers Moving Partner App and not The Movers app for Customers.
7. Processing Customers Personal Data
You may not process the personal data of Customers without permission from us. You may not contact any Customer or collect record, store, grant access, use, or cross-use the personal data provided by The Movers Logistics and Technology Services Pty Ltd or accessible to you via The Movers App for any reason other than for the purposes of fulfilling the relevant Moving Services. This includes contacting the customer for a Moving Service without The Movers Logistics and Technology Services Pty Ltd involvement and arrangement who we all as parties worked with prior or presently.
You must comply with the rules and conditions for the processing of personal data of Moving Services as set forth in the Privacy Policy of Movers. If you violate the requirements for the processing of personal data of movers, we may terminate your account and claim damages from you.
8. Access,Correction, Retention, Deletion, and Data Portability
Personal data can be viewed and corrected in The Movers Moving Partner App Dashboard. Your personal data will be stored as long as you have an active profile. If your account is not active we will close the personal data will be stored for an additional 3-year period.
Data necessary for accounting purposes shall be stored for 7 years. In the event of suspicions of administrational or criminal offence, fraud, or false information, the data shall be stored for 10 years.
In the event of disputes, the data shall be retained until the claim is satisfied or the expiry date of such claims. We respond to the request for deleting and transferring personal data submitted by an email within a month and specify the period of data deletion and transfer.
9. Dispute Resolution
Disputes relating to the processing of personal data are resolved through customer support (